I’m Too Busy for Photos and Stories!

Mom and two kids looking crazy with too much stuff

We’re in that Spring and early Summer mania – school year endings, graduations and weddings, summer camps and vacations.  We’re too busy for another thing in our 24!

I get it BUT I boldly suggest these three simple habits. No extra time – just smart use of it:

1.      Delete photos while sitting and waiting:  Too many photos on your phone? When you find yourself sitting and waiting, scroll and delete pix. Remember the moments then delete what you don’t need and won’t miss. I confess - my phone pix are overdue for a delete session!

2.      Intentionally watch and listen: Catch your loved ones unawares to hear and see what stories they tell, what makes them laugh, what makes them think. By watching and listening when they’re oblivious, you’ll know them better. And, you may get some great ideas for gifts, activities, and fun ways to connect with them.

3.      Record your ideas as they happen:  I love the Notes and Voice Memos apps on my iPhone. Both allow me to record ideas and thoughts when I walk, which is when they most often pop into my head.

a.      Notes: Click on the icon to start a new note and press the mic button at the bottom right. The app will transcribe what you say. Press “Done” on top right to save. You can also email/text the note to yourself or someone else.

b.      Voice Memos: Click on the icon to open and press the red button to start a new recording. Press the red button again to stop recording. Circle with three dots (at the right of recording title) will give you lots of options – share, edit, and save to a file among them.

c.      By the way, Voice Memos is great for recording voices you don’t want to forget – your kids being themselves, your boys before their voices change, your elders sharing memories. A phone laid near them is so unobtrusive they won’t even notice. Summer days spent together are great recording opportunities, just like family holidays.

Three smart and satisfying ways to deal with photos and stories when I have no time. Ok, gotta run!


Stir Family Recipes, Stories, Photos into a Book. Serve with Joy.