Pixorium Blog
Tips, Ideas and Musings on Photos, Photo Stories and Family Storytelling
A New Cousin, Out of the Blue!
Many of us have mixed feelings about sharing our DNA findings. It can feel strangely invasive to have someone reach out and tell you they are your cousin. But, the unearthed secrets can lead to new connections and discoveries, to new family stories and shared understandings, as was the recent case with Pixorium team member, Lilly.
George and Katie – the Only Photo and Family Stories, Saved
I remember her in a wheelchair, fully dressed every day, in that big apron with the pockets on the underside where she kept her snacks and her .32 pistol. When I was three or four years old, she was my babysitter while my mother was at work. She was also my protector when I misbehaved.
Try These Family History Prompts to Encourage Family Storytelling
During big gatherings, grandparents can often fade into the background. To keep the conversation going as a group and share the moment as a family, consider asking some questions about the family history.
Why Telling Family Stories Matters — Scientifically
Why should you put preserving and sharing old pictures and family stories at the top of your “to do” list?