Pixorium Blog
Tips, Ideas and Musings on Photos, Photo Stories and Family Storytelling
How to Save Water-Damaged Photos
Disaster struck and you weren’t prepared: your photos have been damaged by water.
Whether there was a flood, a leak, or a burst pipe, it is possible to salvage water-damaged photos, with just a bit of effort.
Most printed photographs, photographic negatives, and color slides can be cleaned, air-dried and saved in just a few steps.
Pixorium Success Story: “Mazel Tov on Creating a Family Story Masterpiece!”
“In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony.” Friedrich Nietzsche
While “Life is a Story. How do You Tell Yours?” has been Pixorium’s tag line since its founding in 2006, no one has embraced it like Drs. Barry Silverman and Ron Goldstein.
How Much Do You Know About Your Family? 20 Questions to Ask About Family History
Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year’s: These are the times that families get together and tell stories. But conversations with family members can sometimes stay on a superficial level; it can take a few storytelling, memory-sharing, history prompts for family members to get to the good stuff.
How I Made a Photo Book of 17 Years of Memories
This is Part Two of a behind-the-scenes look at my making of a photo book to celebrate 17 years of Maine summer vacations with dear friends. Quick recap of part one: How I chose the story.
How I Chose the Story for a Photobook of 17 Years of Memories
In 2002, my friend (and former college roommate) and I, along with our husbands and children, began spending two weeks together on the Maine coast near Acadia National Park.
Pixorium Success Story: 2 Languages + 1 Journey = Family Treasure
By Pixorium Client, Paula A. Rosenberg
Six years ago, I started on a journey with Pixorium to digitally preserve my family’s pictures. In a fit of downsizing, my parents had handed me 72 photo albums filled with family history. I was the family historian for my generation. So even though it filled the entire back seat of my car on the ride back from Texas, I was excited.
What Is a Photo Story and How Do I Make One?
A photo story is more than just photos in an album, digital or otherwise. It’s more than just a photo book, though a photo book can be used to tell a photo story.
How to Avoid a Wet Photo Emergency in Two Steps
A wet photo emergency is the terrible moment when you discover that your photos have been damaged by flooding, a leak, a burst pipe, or spilled coffee. You are freaking out and you also need to figure out how to save wet photos from being totally ruined.
Pixorium Success Story: The Value of a Story – Creating a Gem
By Pixorium Client, Tom Glenn, May 2018
As a septuagenarian, I can attest that “things aren’t like they used to be.” Capturing some of those “things” of long ago and weaving them together in a story—personal observations, old photos, and relevant documents—not only can convey those experiences but also make an impression on those coming along behind us.
Pixorium Success Story: Stopping the Evaporation of Memory and the Unexpected Dividend
By Pixorium Client, Paul Bianchi
I had wanted to write a partial history of my family for some time, but it was one of those resolutions on New Year’s Day that never make it to February.
What Should I Know About Scanning My Photos?
You only want to scan your photos once, so do it well. Here’s what I think you should know about cost, digital files, scanning options and choosing a scanning company.
Pixorium Success Story: I Never Dreamed I’d Do a Book so Big… But, Wow!
By Pixorium Client, Sandy Thim
Seeing the books others had done lit a spark in me… It all began when Renee, a member of a book club I belong to, asked Jiffy to attend to talk about telling your story in memoir and photo books.
Pixorium Success Story: A Funny Thing About Writing My Story
By Pixorium Client, Cyndy Mote Saunders
Ideas come from unexpected places. Mine came in a room full of grandparents, being told that our memories matter, that they’re unique, that they’ll be lost if we don’t write them down.
The Club No One Ever Wants to Belong to: Being a Parent Whose Child Died
It’s finally time to come out. I’m a member of the club that no one wants to belong to…ever. I’m a parent whose child died. Our son, Daniel, died in August 2000, at age 18.
Overwhelmed by Family Photos? Here’s How to Organize Them in Three Steps
Your photos may be stored safely in plastic bins in zip-top bags (or maybe they aren’t, in which case, read this post about how to safely store your pictures in three steps), but you might still be overwhelmed by all your family photos.
The Power of a Personal Photo: This is Big Daddy
And, without saying any more, you’ll know the important things to know about Big Daddy. You’ll know why his grandson respected and adored him.
How to Engage In (and Remember) Family Storytelling at Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is the perfect time to celebrate family coming together and spending quality time together.
Pixorium Success Story: Photo Scanning—Thanks for Making this Possible
By Pixorium Client, Bernice
Scanning photos is easy, right? You lift the lid of your machine, place a picture on the glass and hit scan.
Pixorium Success Story: Creating The Lankford Manor Cookbook
By Pixorium Client, Courtney Lankford
Pictures fade and memories pass with the loss of each generation. This past fall, I decided it was time to put together a book that represented a family legacy: the Lankford Manor in Tifton, Georgia.
Follow These Three Easy Steps to Preserve Your Family Photos
You have family pictures—lots of them, an uncountable amount of prints, slides, negatives, videos—and you are overwhelmed by them. You know you should sort through them but there are so many you don’t know how to start.